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  • Writer's pictureT.C.

Intimacy: Know You; Know Me

Updated: Jun 15, 2023

Intimacy can be both rewarding and scary. It allows us to connect with others while at the same time requiring us to be vulnerable, which can be uncomfortable sometimes. Once we learn to let go of what's weighing us down, we can make the intentional choice to allow someone in. How do we do that? How can you know me if I don't know me? Can I know you if I don't know me? Well, I'm not the first to say it isn't as easy as it sounds, but I have 3 suggestions to get moving in the right direction. Remember as you embark on applying these tips to your REAL life, it's OK to "tweak" them a little. In my personal journey for clarity, growth, authenticity, and joy; I've learned that there's no one way to do this thing called life.


Three Tips on Achieving Intimacy:

1. Be Brave. Trusting others requires us to accept that we are stepping into the unknown. We don't know how trusting others will end because we can only control ourselves. We all have freewill to act and react as we choose. So being vulnerable requires some courage to accept that we are only one part of the equation. It's also important to be brave enough to examine ourselves as well.

2. Be in the Know. Look intentionally into who you are and what makes you YOU. Explore your feelings about who you are and the root of those feelings. Know yourself. Do you resent alone time? Do you love alone time? Do you enjoy meeting new people and being the center of attention? Why? What messages did you receive or examples did you observe growing up? Self-exploration is so crucial to you having power over who you are and who you present to the world.

3. Be Vocal. Speak up about what you need and want. Ask the other person what she/he/they need or want. What feels good do you? What does the other person like? What makes you feel safe? Asking question helps to provide clarity and create a space for open communication. Communication has the power to build up and tear down emotional and mental walls. Choose to use it for good.


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